Spicy Peach Salsa

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I love salsa. I have already proclaimed my love here. But homemade salsa is even better than any store bought salsa. It is so quick and easy to make too. Literally you just throw everything in a bowl and stir to combine. You can make it hot and spicy, or sweet and fruity. Or, as I have done, you can do both.
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I wouldn’t call myself a peach person. I don’t not like them, but they are not ever my first fruit of choice. I don’t think I have ever even bought peaches for myself. 
Last week, the owner of my company brought in boxes and boxes of peaches that a friend of him had given for us. We were allowed to help ourselves so I fill a bag with the juicy orange fruit and sought out to make something new and delicious. 

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You know I wasn’t going to let these peaches get by without being put into a dessert. This salsa is not it. I made a sweet peach treat too, but those are for another day. 
Today I bring you Spicy Peach Salsa. 
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This was enjoyed with a bag of chips on the Fourth of July during a little cookout with our friends. A friend at work mentioned it would have been great on some fish tacos too. Now there’s a great idea!
Spicy Peach Salsa
Makes about 2 cups
2 peaches, peeled and chopped
1 medium tomato, chopped
2 tablespoons chopped yellow onion
2 tablespoons chopped red onion
Juice of 1 lime
2 teaspoons Tabasco
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1. Combine all ingredients in medium sized bowl. Stir well and serve.