A New Chapter

I’m baaacckkkk.

  • Same blog name.
  • Same blogger.
  • Slightly different web address (wordpress, not blogger…it was surprisingly super easy to transfer the old posts!).
  • Different approach and topics.

Looking back at my old posts, a part of me wanted to wipe the blog clean and start completely new. Some of those pictures were sooo bad, weren’t they? But I don’t want to forget or lose those 3+ years of documented memories. The original Counting My Cupcakes saw me through my engagement, bringing home our first puppy, moving, marriage, moving again, job changes, and many, many delicious recipes. Plus, it took me long enough to come up with my blog name the first time, I didn’t want to go through that process again. So Counting My Cupcakes stands.

How will things be different? 

Dad and me_Folly2015
Dad and me on Folly Beach this weekend

Might as well get right to it. I’m pregnant! Greg and I are expecting our first bundle of love in April 2016 and we couldn’t be more excited. I have always known God made me to be a mother. It’s one of the few things in life I’ve been certain of. After what felt like the longest several months of trying unsuccessfully, God surprised us when we least expected it…isn’t that how it always happens? I grew so much in faith these past several months. At times when some may have turned away from God, I felt closer than ever. And it’s not because of anything I did on my own, but solely the grace and love of God. Instead of centering the blog on food, I want to this be a place centered on truly life-giving stories, thoughts and experiences.

I do still intend to share the occasional recipe, restaurant review, or other food-related topic. Despite my extreme lack of appetite these past few weeks thanks to the baby on board, my tastes are coming back slowly but surely. You guys, I wasn’t even at all interested in ice cream, chocolate (!!!), or essentially any dessert until recently. It has been the strangest thing.

Anyway. My main reason for bringing back the blog is to have documentation of this new phase in my life. Posts will likely be very inconsistent in terms of timing. Maybe I’ll post once a week, maybe more, maybe less.

That all being said, if anyone is paying any attention at this point, here’s to the next chapter of Counting My Cupcakes!
